so your vision is never lost.


Acquisitions & The 3Rs
In this week’s video blog our expert guide, Don Hadley, discusses acquisitions and the importance of taking the time to understand the people. When organizations hire one individual, it is important that salary, job description, values and heart are a fit with the individual and the culture. However, if there is a value or culture issues that arises with only one person, the success of an organization is not in jeopardy. Mergers and acquisitions, though, are considerably more complicated. Often […]
Are You Capturing Their Imagination?
In this week’s video blog our expert guide, Don Hadley, discusses capturing people’s imagination. Many times as adults we lose the ability to use our imagination. We have found that by communicating with leaders and teams in a way that allows us to capture their imagination, we are able to draw on deeper thinking and cause or drive more powerful actions to be taken. As children we are masters of using our imagination to drive what we do and where […]
What Do You Need to Do to Get Results?
In this week’s video blog our expert guide, Don Hadley, discusses getting results. We have found over the last 30 years that those leaders and business owners that “get things done” are those that in fact never focus on actually getting it done. Rather, these leaders focus on building relationships with those around them. Whether it is their employees, their suppliers, or their customers, they take the time to understand the other person, their needs, etc. This focus on building […]
How to Accomplish Something
In this week’s video blog our expert guide, Don Hadley, discusses accomplishing something. Many leaders and teams when attempting something new will ask the question “How do we accomplish this?” There can be a fear of not being successful, or the fear of the new skill sets and capabilities, or the fear of the impact this new process, product, etc. may have on the organization. Leaders and teams typically want things to occur in a certain way or to go […]
The Wonderful Thing About Success
In this week’s video blog our expert guide, Don Hadley, discusses failure and its importance. Many leaders and teams dread and avoid failure. Failure can cause pain or a lack of confidence; however, failure can be one of the best opportunities leaders and teams can have for learning. Individuals that are ruled by failure and limit their interactions accordingly reduce the size of their world and experiences as well. Those that embrace failure as a learning opportunity expand their knowledge […]
Leaders, Teams, & Culture
  In this week’s video blog our expert guide, Don Hadley, discusses how leadership, teamship and cultureship are all interrelated. As we have worked with organizations developing their leaders, we have discovered that not all leaders are good at creating teams. Strong leaders need the balance of teams in order to continue the growth and success of the organization. We have also found that leaders and teams are not always good at developing the culture of the organization – from […]
Identifying Your A, B, & C Players
In this week’s video blog our expert guide, Don Hadley, discusses identifying your “star” or “A” players versus mediocre players (“B”s and “C”s). Much like sports, leaders need to identify their key performing players (the A’s) versus those that can increase to this level or those that need to be removed. Having tools and systems in place to evaluate as well as coaching employees is critical to this identification. We use several tools with organizations and leaders to help them […]
Feedback Plus Action!
In this week’s video blog our expert guide, Don Hadley, discusses leadership assessments and the importance of ongoing feedback and taking action. There are many types of Leadership Assessments available today. The one common thread that we see is that there is no clarity of actions to take. Feedback is a great tool; however, it should be given in tandem with coaching, choices, and implementation of change where needed. This allows the leaders to explain what actions they will take […]
Is Happiness a Skill or is it Natural?
In this week’s video blog our expert guide, Don Hadley, discusses happiness and whether it comes naturally or if it is a skill that can be learned.   We have found working with individuals and organizations through different circumstances, many people who are happy during good and bad are just happy people.  Others are just unhappy.  If you pull the extremes out, happiness is a skill.  Some people are very good at coping or not demonstrating their frustrations when things […]