In order for an organization to have a future, it must have leaders that are able to identify and progress the organization on a path to that future. Many obstacles and opportunities will appear along the way, where help will be needed from all parts of the culture and resources will need to be found along the way to assist in that journey. Our program is based on research and tempered by experience.
In developing The Next Generation of leaders, the current leaders need to identify who has the potential to be The Next Generation as well as determine what experiences will build their capabilities. Many times effective leaders of a team or a part of an operation are not necessarily good leaders of an entire organization or division. Part of the value in this process is to screen out those not suited for top leadership roles and to identify those who are suited for the role, or have the potential to be high level leaders.
This program focuses on engaging The Next Generation in a different way. Rather than looking purely at cognitive or conative issues, we also determine their persistence, the ability to handle the unknown, and the capacity to mold a culture towards the right future. Working with them to create a vision of the future and potential paths creates a guidebook to solidify their footing on some of the rocky paths ahead.
We also look at the current leaders’ situation and their vision of their future. How can they transition out in a smooth manner? What is the best manner for them to enjoy the transition? Emotionally, some leaders leaving organizations end up very unhappy, unless they have test driven options before the transition.
Ultimately, the best succession planning involves backup support for each position, cross training, career paths and informal and formal training and coaching.
All of the information is brought together to that the organization where competencies are clear and tied into a career path. The career path is tied to both performance KPI/Key Deliverables and courses taught via your organization’s University.
With selected groups, the program is presented and trained to be delivered by the management/leadership (evaluations and development plan as part of a career path/university). This part of the process includes developing materials for those implementing. Delivery of the program will be observed, evaluated and coached.
Broader than the previous pilot, it will be cascaded deeper and wider into the culture. The delivery at these Stages will also be observed, evaluated and coached.
This is a complete rollout to all employees and implementation into the hiring process. This may be done at the same time as the University is rolled out, previous to the University rollout, or afterwards.
See materials on the development of The University.
If you need to prepare for a transition, contact our expert guides at 919-261-9850 or email