so your vision is never lost.


Are You Carrying a Lazy Man’s Load?
  In the day to day operation of a business, at times you may find that there are tasks that need to be done that aren’t complicated but they are necessary. You may be inclined to push through them quickly without much thought, planning or care. We encourage you to be sure that you aren’t carrying a lazy man’s load, meaning you pile these tasks on and hurriedly go about accomplishing them haphazardly in a rush to get them done. […]
From Raleigh to Your Office: Change Your Perspective and Embrace the Platinum Rule to Achieve Success for Your Clients and Your Business
In recent years, Raleigh, North Carolina, has become a technology start-up powerhouse. Why are so many innovators drawn to this mid-sized city when they could be moving to recognized technology hubs like Silicon Valley or Austin? This shift is partially thanks to Derrik Minor. Minor, the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Manager for the City of Raleigh, has been one of the key players in achieving the city’s new status as a home for up-and-coming businesses and ideas. Minor focuses on fostering […]
Equal To The Love You Make: Improve Your Company Culture With Charitable Giving
There is a new trend in the workplace. Since 2007, employer sponsored charitable programs have been rising steadily, with 20% of employers offering some kind of charitable options as of 2013[1.Halzak, Sarah. “Paid Time off for Volunteering Gains Traction as Way to Retain Employees.” Washington Post. The Washington Post, 11 Aug. 2013. Web. 27 Oct. 2015.]. Whether employers are offering their workers time off or matching contributions in their name, employers are learning that getting involved doesn’t just help […]
Communicate More Effectively With Your Team By Following “The Platinum Rule”
The Golden Rule is something I hear about quite often: “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” I grew up with that rule, but over the years, it has created much frustration on my part in terms of getting leaders to lead and teams to be teams in a powerful manner. It has also limited the ability and results of leaders and teams in molding culture. It has bogged down processes and allowed strategic plans to […]
Emerging Business Trends For 2016
At this time of year we look at the trends emerging for next year and for a few years to come. Here are a few of our observations: We have seen that teams, organizations and leaders have become much more flexible and fluid to stabilize their structure and organizations. Leaders are paying more attention to millennials.  A purpose must be created and a value system understood with a clear sign of progress seen to attract, motivate and retain this group […]
Capabilities Required To Have Good Conflict Or Intense Fellowship
Do you remember talking about the “fight or flight” instinct in school? Have you seen it in action? During a team meeting recently, one person intended to “fight” and as the intensity of the interaction increased, it led to another team member to take “flight”. One was blaming, accusing and increasing the volume and intensity of their voice and the other person chose to stand up, walk out of the meeting, get in their vehicle and leave. While not optimal […]
Three Companies that Used Adversity to Turn Business Around
Sometimes your best partner is your competitor. If you’re in a competitive industry that’s facing an economic downturn, partnering with another company in trouble could be just the thing to revitalize your business. The revival of American Airlines[1. “American Airlines soars from bankruptcy to S&P 500 club,” March 17, 2015,] is an excellent example of how competitors can work together to overcome hard economic times.
The Difference between Consultants and Guides
In this week’s video blog our expert guide, Don Hadley, discusses the difference between consultants and guides. Let’s start with the definition of consultants:  “People who provide expert advice professionally.” (from Merriam Webster)  They then tell you what you need to do and then leave. Merriam Webster Dictionary defines a guide as “a person who leads or directs other people on a journey.” The next time you are wondering if you should hire a consultant or if you have had […]
Taking Responsibility
  In this week’s video blog our expert guide, Don Hadley, discusses how critical it is for leaders to take responsibility for the success of their teams when they are not in the office. The only way to develop the people that work for you into independent, self-sufficient leaders is to clearly communicate the deliverables necessary to run your organization. Make certain that these deliverables are written down, part of the job descriptions, viewed as tactics for success. Your employees […]