so your vision is never lost.


Top 3 Benefits of Living a Gratitude Driven Life
During this time of year, we see many people being openly thankful for people and things in their lives.  This begs the question: are they also living a life of gratitude the other 11 months of the year? (Flickr:  CthePower) Too many people take even the smallest things for granted. The key to improving results in both personal and business lives is to daily have an attitude of gratitude and view what is around you.  This allows each of us […]
The Darker Side of Family Business
In this week’s video blog our expert guide, Don Hadley, discusses the importance of communication and trust is when dealing with family conflict within a family business. Family Businesses are typically second, third, and fourth generation owned businesses.  When there is conflict within the family or the business there are certain things that must occur in order to prevent damage to the business and the relationships. Communication and Trust Stop and Count to 10 (actions and words) until: Thoughts and […]
The Most Important Capital to Grow
You cannot out think a man who does not think. There is so much focus on financial capital, yet it can be forgotten that most businesses start with human capital (which is both physical and emotional capital), built on spiritual capital which then creates intellectual capital. Financial capital is a byproduct. In second generation businesses and in wealthy families, the focus can become on money; whereas the focus should be:  How do we keep building and improving our physical, emotional, […]
Two Critical Capitals: Soft Capital and Hard Capital
So many times in business we work hard to learn skills, to absorb information, to reorganize and make efficient all of our systems. Yet it seems so many of us and those around us do not feel complete, fully engaged with the world, and living a great life! I am persuaded that one of the biggest reasons this is true is that we all have plans to train ourselves and others around us intellectually, yet we do not intentionally develop […]
The Destiny Chain
If leaders take the time and risk to develop values and beliefs in the people around them, in their teams and their culture, it may seem to start slow at first, but eventually a strong, enduring passion grows that will affect behaviors in powerful ways.  The leader will not have to be present, yet the beliefs will lead to values to feelings to thoughts to words to actions.  The result will be tremendous character and ultimately their destiny. The above […]
Business and Family
When working with one of our clients recently on their strategic plan, two interesting issues came up.  The first was about communication. (Flickr by Occupancy Heroes) An important part of any organization’s Strategic Plan is The Communication Plan, which includes: Who needs to know about the business plan (or the “audience”) How information will be communicated Who will communicate this information How often communication will occur What the audience needs to know One of the audiences listed in this organization’s […]