If leaders take the time and risk to develop values and beliefs in the people around them, in their teams and their culture, it may seem to start slow at first, but eventually a strong, enduring passion grows that will affect behaviors in powerful ways. The leader will not have to be present, yet the beliefs will lead to values to feelings to thoughts to words to actions. The result will be tremendous character and ultimately their destiny.
The above quote is a wonderful example of how what we believe at the deepest level eventually drives our behavior and creates a life of destiny. Our destiny can be what we choose, but it is ultimately driven by our deepest core beliefs. Simply put, one thing leads to another.
Many leaders focus on behavior. If the building is on fire and water is needed, that is a great approach. However, the best leaders go behind the action, behind the words, and dig deeper. It may be discussing feelings, or perhaps values or beliefs.
Recently a client had a supervisor who needed to fire an employee. The employee regularly missed work. They planned on firing the employee the next day, but the employee did not show up. A decision was made to fire them over the phone the following day. There was also some pressure since they had the replacement person coming in that morning. That night my client tossed and turned. The supervisor tossed and turned. Two of their company values are respect and dignity.
The next morning they both got together, shared their 2 a.m. tossing and turning, and agreed they needed to do the firing face to face.
This company has been struggling with standing up for what they believe in. Part of this is occurring because they are not hitting their financial goals. In that struggle to hit the financial metrics, they feel they have lost “how you treat people the right way?” Whether or not it is correct to fire over the phone is not the issue. What is important is that they revisited their values and beliefs and changed their behavior. This struggle will not happen again. Even more importantly, at their next company-wide safety meeting, they are going to share this story as an example of how all of them need to get back to balancing the needed financial results with treating their internal and external customers the right way.
Working with values and beliefs is harder and takes longer. There is also the increased risk of upsetting someone. At the same time, it is at that level of the human psyche that we help people create depth in their inner world, as well as their outer world, as they learn what they believe and how to tie that to the matching actions.
If leaders take the time and risk to develop values and beliefs in the people around them, in their teams and their culture, it may seem to start slow at first, but eventually a strong, enduring passion grows that will affect behaviors in powerful ways. The leader will not have to be present, yet the beliefs will lead to values to feelings to thoughts to words to actions. The result will be tremendous character and ultimately the destiny these people of character choose.
Below is what the Destiny Chain looks like:
Below is an example of how The Destiny Chain works:
If you are a leader that has the passion and desire to work with the power of values and beliefs, contact our expert Guides at 800-786-4332, or Info@AppliedVisionWorks.com. Your success is in plain sight, it just takes action so give us a call today! Don’t let another day go by without realizing your teams’ and organization’s full potential.
The Comprehensive Independence Builder TM
You may also wish to learn more about our unique process for leaders called The Comprehensive Independence BuilderTM, in which we address all of the obstacles you face and help you use innovative strategies to protect and enhance your organization, improve your quality of life, and better achieve your goals.