You cannot out think a man who does not think.
There is so much focus on financial capital, yet it can be forgotten that most businesses start with human capital (which is both physical and emotional capital), built on spiritual capital which then creates intellectual capital. Financial capital is a byproduct.
In second generation businesses and in wealthy families, the focus can become on money; whereas the focus should be: How do we keep building and improving our physical, emotional, spiritual and intellectual capital?
Doing a balance sheet and profit and loss statement for each year for all four of these types of capitals is a great exercise for individuals, families and businesses to do to get a grasp of how they are doing.
For increasing the all types of capital among your leaders, your team and your family, call 800-786-4332, or email It is a critical step to increased results and a better life! It only takes 30 minutes to get started! Your success is in plain sight. It just takes determination and action!