so your vision is never lost.


Increasing Leadership Capabilities
  Join us January 12, 13, and 14, 2016, for a powerful and transformational course of inner awareness, maturation, skill development and focus on strategic results for high level leaders. Anyone with primary responsibility for the strategic direction of an organization and for leading and motivating others will benefit from attending. Be prepared to be challenged regarding your pre-conceived ideas, how you think and solve problems, and what actions will improve your ability to lead your organization forward. You will […]
Recognize and Avoid The Perils of Extroverted Leadership
The boardroom of a company is often filled with a bevy of extroverts. That comes as no surprise; outgoing and authoritative, extroverts are natural leaders. Extroverted leaders prize communication, openness, and group work, and they get their energy through socialization—all of which makes an extrovert a great fit for the head of a company or an organization. In fact, according to the Harvard Business Review, 60% of senior-level managers identified as extroverts—and a full 65% said that introversion would be […]
Six Different Approaches to Bonus Programs
The goal of a bonus program is to motivate employees to achieve results in valuable way for everyone. In other words, they should be designed to get everyone from the receptionist to management to leadership to owners all “rowing the boat in the same direction”. Sometimes though, bonus programs are poorly set up, measure the wrong results, set people against each other and/or do not communicate what is happening until after the fact Below is a brief history of bonus […]
Bowling With Your Boss: Evaluation Cruelty
Imagine bowling with your boss… You throw the ball down the lane, but your boss has a sheet between you and the pins. You hear something happening, lots of noise, but no idea of what actually happened. How many pins are left standing? Where are they? Was that perhaps a gutter ball? You then ask how you are doing and the response is, “don’t worry about it, I will tell you at the end of the year.” Imagine this happening […]
Lessons from Ultramarathons
Today’s guest blog is from Nick Gonzales, CBC, CPC There are many lessons that can be learned from running and training for marathons. I started running ultra-marathons a few years ago – ultramarathons are any running race that is longer than a marathon (26.2 miles). After hearing this, many people then wonder why anyone would put their body through anything like that. The short answer is that I did it to find out who I really am and to see […]
Joy is the Magic Behind Success
  Sometimes in business we lose joy in the day-to-day grind of business, our tasks, and in our interactions with customers and suppliers. As leaders, we have a responsibility to make sure the magic is there, that we feel joy and our team as well. Whether we are achieving or struggling, we have to find ways to ‘feel the wind in our hair’. To take pride in our work and make sure those on our teams are as well. You […]
Work Hard and Smart Everyday
Each of us in the workforce wants to believe that we are hard workers. It is recognized by leaders and coworkers everywhere. “Did you see Fred; he was here until 8:00pm?” Most leaders appreciate that type of dedication and it is true, sometimes, putting your “nose to the grind stone” and powering through a task is exactly what it takes to get the job done. But you shouldn’t overlook the necessity of working smart. Working smart affects your job satisfaction […]
Don’t Make Dreams Your Master
Dreams are a tool, in that they can give us a starting point. A discharge of the information collected from that day, likely with some reorganization. In many ways, dreams are just a mental construct of an “ideal” or of “perfection”. If we are waiting for an exact dream with all the answers to act, we may end up seriously disappointed and have a negative view about life.   Additionally, if we keep pushing toward the dream without paying attention to […]
Make Time for Later Now
Planning for the future right now is critical for organizations to be successful. In a recent meeting, a Leadership Team voiced frustrations that they had “no time to plan, strategize and set goals.” There is no team, business, couple, or individual that has time to do it all. It is the planning that helps identify what is important, what has priority and if you are all moving in the same direction. You must make time to make a plan, review […]