so your vision is never lost.


Critical Aspects For Creating A Successful, High Performing Team
Have you ever been a part of a TEAM, a true team? Whether it is in your profession, an athletic team, or in your community, chances are that if you have, you remember the experience fondly and it is or was  one of the most rewarding in your life. What is the definition of a team? In the book, “The Wisdom of Teams”, it was defined as “a small number of people with complimentary skills who are committed to a […]
The Rule of 44 For Hiring “A” Players
We believe that hiring “A” players is the most important job within an organization and it can be one of the biggest challenges. To get and keep your top performers, you have to engage both their current skill sets and their future aspirations while demonstrating a culture of trust and respect. Rather than trying to identify what the exact answer is for you in your industry, we like to use ‘The Rule of 44.’   In four areas, have four different […]
Are You Carrying a Lazy Man’s Load?
  In the day to day operation of a business, at times you may find that there are tasks that need to be done that aren’t complicated but they are necessary. You may be inclined to push through them quickly without much thought, planning or care. We encourage you to be sure that you aren’t carrying a lazy man’s load, meaning you pile these tasks on and hurriedly go about accomplishing them haphazardly in a rush to get them done. […]
Communicate More Effectively With Your Team By Following “The Platinum Rule”
The Golden Rule is something I hear about quite often: “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” I grew up with that rule, but over the years, it has created much frustration on my part in terms of getting leaders to lead and teams to be teams in a powerful manner. It has also limited the ability and results of leaders and teams in molding culture. It has bogged down processes and allowed strategic plans to […]
Emerging Business Trends For 2016
At this time of year we look at the trends emerging for next year and for a few years to come. Here are a few of our observations: We have seen that teams, organizations and leaders have become much more flexible and fluid to stabilize their structure and organizations. Leaders are paying more attention to millennials.  A purpose must be created and a value system understood with a clear sign of progress seen to attract, motivate and retain this group […]
The Power of Grief: How Compassionate Leaders Transform Tragedy into Triumph
The December day started like any other in the office. People focused on their work, preparing for the end of the year review. Orders flooded in as clients spent the last of their annual budgets. Coworkers wandered from cubicle to cubicle, exchanging holiday greetings and planning for the annual party later that week. When his phone rang, CEO Dan Brown expected a small crisis, or a question about next year’s budget.   “This is the state police. Do you know […]
Be a Leader for Change with Transformational Strategies in a Globalized Marketplace
Companies in today’s business environment need to be adaptable. At any given time, a new market and new opportunity can open up, which can make an organization need to significantly change their strategy in order to properly leverage markets that may have different needs and are coming from different backgrounds culturally, economically, and historically. A strategic planning process will allow most companies going through major changes to quickly adapt and expand into new markets. As globalized business becomes more common, […]
It’s Time to Get Hip: Become a Modern Leader by Fostering Collaboration and Communication in Your Organization
Modern leadership is not your grandfather’s leadership. Instead of focusing on control, modern leaders collaborate. Instead of hiding management from employees, today’s best managers are out on the floor, learning from their employees so they can make the company a better place. Where old leadership styles falter, new leadership styles inspire innovation within the company and empower employees to take ownership of their work.
Changing the Paradigm of Leadership: Why Humility, Not Charisma, Is the New Leadership Quality You Should be Looking For
  When choosing new leaders, one of the first things employers often zero in on is charisma. The problem with this is that those good people skills don’t necessarily translate into good leadership skills. While charisma is certainly a wonderful trait to possess in a leadership position, there might be another, more fundamental character trait that you should be looking for in your leaders. Humility.