Communicate More Effectively With Your Team By Following “The Platinum Rule”
The Golden Rule is something I hear about quite often: “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” I grew up with that rule, but over the years, it has created much frustration on my part in terms of getting leaders to lead and teams to be teams in a powerful manner. It has also limited the ability and results of leaders and teams in molding culture. It has bogged down processes and allowed strategic plans to […]
Emerging Business Trends For 2016
At this time of year we look at the trends emerging for next year and for a few years to come. Here are a few of our observations: We have seen that teams, organizations and leaders have become much more flexible and fluid to stabilize their structure and organizations. Leaders are paying more attention to millennials.  A purpose must be created and a value system understood with a clear sign of progress seen to attract, motivate and retain this group […]
React Quickly: Prevent Slow Death
Running an organization is like flying an airplane, although it is not as dramatic. When an airplane has a warning light go on, the crew reacts. In business, too often leaders wait to see what happens…and they wait…and they wait… and by the time the crash occurs, it is too late. We have identified seven typical situations where we see slow death occur within organizations. Leaders in these situations must make changes to get to a new and better reality. […]
Diversity Is More Than Just a Buzzword: How to Cultivate a Workplace Culture That Celebrates — Not Stifles — Employee Diversity
Hiring for diversity is an especially hot topic in the world of HR right now. But diversity in the workplace is about so much more than filling hiring quotas; having a diverse workforce can position companies to succeed in places where a more homogenous group of employees might fail. Business leaders are increasingly concerned with fostering a workplace culture that values and encourages employee diversity — and great leaders understand how to use that diversity to a company’s advantage. Is […]
Increasing Leadership Capabilities
  Join us January 12, 13, and 14, 2016, for a powerful and transformational course of inner awareness, maturation, skill development and focus on strategic results for high level leaders. Anyone with primary responsibility for the strategic direction of an organization and for leading and motivating others will benefit from attending. Be prepared to be challenged regarding your pre-conceived ideas, how you think and solve problems, and what actions will improve your ability to lead your organization forward. You will […]
Recognize and Avoid The Perils of Extroverted Leadership
The boardroom of a company is often filled with a bevy of extroverts. That comes as no surprise; outgoing and authoritative, extroverts are natural leaders. Extroverted leaders prize communication, openness, and group work, and they get their energy through socialization—all of which makes an extrovert a great fit for the head of a company or an organization. In fact, according to the Harvard Business Review, 60% of senior-level managers identified as extroverts—and a full 65% said that introversion would be […]
Communication is Key
In this week’s video blog our expert guide, Don Hadley, discusses the important role communication plays, whether a business is growing exponentially or contracting. Business growth or decline can cause tremendous strain on individuals, teams, and leaders. There are two main elements affected by businesses growth or decline: cash and people. A critical piece in times of transition is to become a better team. To become a better team, improved communication is key. Good, effective communication is needed for: Day-to-day […]