“The secret to our success is our consistency of purpose.” – Benjamin Disraeli
“Consistency is part of integrity.” – Dave Ramsey
A man in his 60’s had read our books and wanted to meet. He had worked very hard over the years and consistently given love to his children and grandchildren, even though there have been some exceptionally difficult times with the children. He said that upon reading our books, he identified with Michael. I was surprised that at his age he felt that way because I would have hoped he would feel more like Richard and have a strong inner peace.
By owning a business, he has options as to what to do with the rest of his life. He is also able to provide the right “tools” to his grandchildren so they have a good start. It was energizing talking with him because he is excited by all of the changes occurring in the world and wants to understand and be a part of it. He felt strongly that his consistent presence with his children and grandchildren over the years made a difference in them being better as people.
Another longtime client had gotten unstuck from The Life Boat Drill (what his family and advisors need to do when he dies) and was getting it revised into a much more detailed thoughtful approach. He was not stuck doing the Drill; he was just stuck on “how” to best do it.
Even if he cannot be there, he wanted his family and his employees to feel a sense of stability and consistency to their lives.
For improved, consistent results and so much more through consistency, give our expert guides a call at 800-786-4332, or email JSabatini@AppliedVisionWorks.com. Your success is in plain sight. It just takes determination, action and it only takes 30 minutes to get started!