When we get the phone call, “I have a team that does not respect each other!” It is always an interesting situation.
Recently when this happened, we at AVW realized that this team was so busy working hard, they really did not know one another. Some new hires were on the team along with some very long term people.
One of the easy answers to this is to begin having them do lunch with each other periodically. This slows them down and helps them to understand one another.
Additionally, at the beginning of meetings, have each person share a brief personal story or accomplishment will begin to have them see commonalities with each other. It might be a sharing about their children, their faith, a significant other or a hobby. It does not matter what is shared. It matters in order to get them understanding each other as people and how much they have in common.
Another tool we at AVW use is to have the leader of a group to get the group together and give them a big project that could not be done individually and requires all of them. As they “have to work together” to achieve the project, they will learn each other strengths and how to work together. This grows confidence within the team. This confidence in the value that each provides then in turn will help grow and develop the respect element of the team.
If one person on the team decides to leave the team, the team is then better equipped and the individual can remain with the company, but prefer to work on his own. This is a victory because the organization now has a strong “B” player supporting the leadership team, and the employee can be the best mouthpiece to the rest of the culture.
If you, your team or organization want to receive more information on needing increased respect among your team, contact one of our Expert Guides at Applied Vision Works, Inc. Our guides have over 25 years’ experience in building strong and effective leaders, teams, and organizations to help you on your journey to success and hone your tools needed to keep all your business and personal relationships strong and healthy.
Your success is in plain sight; it just takes determination and action! Contact us for your complimentary session by calling 800-786-4332, or email us at Info@AppliedVisionWorks.com.