One of the deepest parts of our work is tying why a business owner owns a business to their personal purpose in life. In our 2nd book, “The Challenge of Meaning”, we show how that impacts the business day-to-day.
A client for 25 years started his business because his previous boss threw the phone through a wall while chasing an employee down a hallway when he lost his temper. This client quit and went off to start his very successful business where employees could have a positive and reasonable work environment. The organization now has the 2nd generation running it.
Another client wants to control his own destiny, another wants to give employees an opportunity to become all they can be, another wants to provide a compass for others to find their way, another needs the money in order to care for a very sick child, another wants to build a university for teaching people the soft skills, and another wants to help people see a better future, etc.
It can be a very hard life to start and develop a private business, but it can also be very rewarding. It can allow the quality and depth of you to come from deep within, surface, and become visible in the actions of you and your company. We have found for that to happen, it helps to work at clarifying your life purpose and what is going on inside.
Even as we look at the current economy and the challenges it brings, we see private business bearing down and still focusing and what makes it the best and why they are in business. This is causing the business, the teams and the leaders to become better and better.
If you need help finding your life purpose or focusing on what truly counts and makes a difference, call us at 800-786-4332, or email Your success is in plain sight; it just takes determination and action! Contact us for your complimentary session; it only takes 30 minutes to get started!