Why are people not logical?
We would then be like computers, predictable, and yet breaking down at the first missing bit of data or at the first amount of data overload. We could not get to better answers because we would be preprogrammed for a set outcome.
With emotion, we are able to break patterns and to weave new ones. It gives us a shot at new and better possibilities. Some of those possibilities we may not have ever considered possible previously. However, if emotion totally rules, lives become a cacophony of patterns with no structure, which is chaos.
A balance between logic and emotion, thinking and feeling, contemplation and action, power and gentleness, war and peace, must be made…
I suppose this should also be true in business, a balance between logic and feelings? Grabbing hearts and minds?
For increased results and a better life through clearer thinking and focused feelings, call us at 800-786-4332, or email JSabatini@AppliedVisionWorks.com. Your success is in plain sight; it just takes determination and action! Contact us for your complimentary session; it only takes 30 minutes to get started!