Without knowing who we are, what we believe in and the path we are taking towards goals, interactions become a series of transactions without spirit and motivation. Our culture today has so many opportunities and moves so quickly, not only do we need to not let the world outpace us, but we also need to make sure our most important relationships stay in alignment. In other words, make sure your relationships do not outpace you or you outdistance them. The best way to stay in alignment is to be clear and share who you are and where you are going.
We see a great many business situations where it is unclear who the business is, what they believe in, their short term goals, strategies, the path they are on, etc. These are not just a set of personal issues. These same questions need to be asked of organizations.
Last week I had lunch with Pete. The first words out of his mouth were “you caused our divorce”.
Unsure where he was going with this, I maintained a poker face, although I must admit I slid closer to the edge of the seat in case I needed to run for the door.
He proceeded to share with me the value in our history of working together. Four years ago we started working with Pete and his family that owned a business. The husband, the wife and the kids went through a process with us of determining their vision for their individual and collective future, along with goals and resources. We then used the information to restructure and strengthen the business around the family’s goals.
While some of the exercises can be challenging, it became obvious the wife was on a completely different path and uncertain of her purpose, goals and joys of life. As the situation unfolded, other issues behind the scenes became clear. Over the next few years a divorce was worked through.
Our lunch was for an update on how everything was going as Pete, a “husband no longer”, worked through rebuilding his life.
He said that while he was disappointed about the divorce, he was glad it had happened sooner instead of taking many more years or longer for the true situation to become clear. He appreciated the questions we asked that allowed him and his spouse to come to understandings to take separate paths and preserve relationships, the value of their history and the memories.
The reason for relaying this story, perhaps a success story or perhaps a story of failure, is that it raises some interesting questions:
While the above example was a family situation, we see a great many business situations where it is unclear who the business is, what they believe in, their short term goals, strategies, the path they are on, etc. These are not just a set of personal issues. These same questions need to be asked of organizations.
If you are searching on how to keep your organization and/or personal relationships in better alignment, contact our expert Guides at 800-786-4332, or Info@AppliedVisionWorks.com. Your success is in plain sight, it just takes action so give us a call today! Don’t let another day go by without realizing your teams’ and organization’s full potential.
The Comprehensive Independence Builder TM
You may also wish to learn more about our unique process for leaders called The Comprehensive Independence BuilderTM, in which we address all of the obstacles you face and help you use innovative strategies to protect and enhance your organization, improve your quality of life, and better achieve your goals.