We have a client that after most meetings, he asks the question, “Do you feel like I am doing a good job?” It is interesting because it is not at the beginning, but at the end after we have had discussions of what needs to be done to improve the results. It is almost as if he wants affirmation that he is becoming a “success”. As we have listened though, it sounds more like he wants validation that he is not a failure.
In business, many people start out running from problems. Maybe they say they are running “towards” something, but if it is a frantic, high stress, pushing – in most cases it is not running “towards” money, but rather running from “lack of money”, or “failure” or…
Or on a team, if there is high stress but the stress is from potential failure or pain, the team is running from something. The potential for burnout is much higher in a situation where we are running from something.
Running towards something is much better. Generally, there is a cleaner more peaceful motivation. There is more steadiness with behavior and emotion. There is typically a willingness to take “side trips” to learn new skills.
Some questions to consider:
If your organization needs help slowing down and still reaching its goals, contact our expert guides at 800-786-4332 or email CClemmer@AppliedVisionWorks.com. It only takes 30 minutes to get started!