We have all heard the expression “Walking in Someone Else’s Shoes”. We want to challenge people to take this a step further and “Find Love through Someone Else’s Eyes.” There may appear to be no significant difference; however, if you break down the two concepts, you will begin to see the vast differences between the two.
Shoes are somewhat temporary as we all have many different types of shoes, whereas eyes give a sense of permanence. Also trying to find love through someone else’s eyes, a person must truly understand what the other person has been through as opposed to the shoes they are wearing at that moment. To completely (to our best ability) understand what makes up the entire person, his/her upbringing, value system, experiences, successes, their failures, etc., we must look deeper than just shoes.
Both walking and finding are verbs. However walking gives the impression of being less powerful because most of us walk every day. “Finding” by definition means that we have lost something; maybe something important. So important that we are willing to put down everything we are doing at that moment down to find that thing that we lost. Finding in this context also means being selfless because you are trying to find something in that other person, sometimes when they have treated you badly and with the assumption they may not be willing to reciprocate the finding process with you.
By “Love”, we mean an action not a feeling. Love – the feeling – is a fruit of love the verb. Love the action means that you are willing to sacrifice, listen, empathize, appreciate, and affirm the other person. Love is an action. It’s an action requiring your involvement and your active participation.
With one month of the new year gone and conscious efforts to change habits being front and center, take a step back and ask yourself:
If you or someone you know needs help aligning their relationships and teams, give our expert guides a call at 800-786-4332 or email us at JSabatini@AppliedVisionWorks.com. Your success is in plain sight, it just takes action!