In working with people and organization in our program, I find that when we are just starting out, many times they have thoughts and feelings on the inside that they have never shared with others or have not shared in a long time. They have been so busy making stuff happen and responding, that one day they wake up and their life is not who they really are. Their insides are not matched up with their outsides.
Years ago I read a book about exercising for busy people that have thinking jobs. One of the take aways was “that you needed to be as tired physically as you were mentally and emotionally”. The level of fatigue in your body, heart and head need to be aligned. The theory was that you would sleep much better at night. If one of your bodies (emotional, thinking or physical) had more energy than the others, you would not sleep well. That is one of the few arguments that have kept me exercising over the years and seems to be very true. The outside level of fatigue needs to match the inside level of fatigue.
At the same time, in working with people and organization in our program, I find that when we are just starting out, many times they have thoughts and feelings on the inside that they have never shared with others or have not shared in a long time. They have been so busy making stuff happen and responding, that one day they wake up and their life is not who they really are. Their insides are not matched up with their outsides.
If they are only a little out of alignment, then, having some good discussions and reorganizing what is going on around us may work to resolve the discrepancy. However, in a surprising number of cases, they or an important relationship to them is so incredibly far out of alignment that a drastic change is needed. In some cases it means closing a business or getting a divorce or having a knock down drag out argument….all of the things we prefer to not happen if there is a better solution.
An example of this would going on vacation for a week at the beach when you want to go to the mountains. It may be fixing a problem you really want others to learn how to fix. It may be working with a customer who has poor behavior and attitude. This state of being eventually leads to unhappiness. If left long enough, this can lead to broken people, broken relationships and broken organizations.
When we see this with our clients, the inside not matching up with the outside, we believe two issues are critical to address:
Here is what happens when effort is made to match insides and outside and the structure is successful:
A client had an unexpected several week hospital stay. During the stay, the team realized how much they did not know about the business. After he returned to work, he instituted a weekly one hour training session to teach “business owner thinking”. Now that alignment is being made, this team has a much better understanding of what is happening and why. This has allowed the owner to align his inner self with his family and have a much better quality of life while obtaining better business results with happier employees.
If you need to better align your insides and outsides or suspect those around you need to align their insides and outside, contact our expert Guides at 800-786-4332, or Your success is in plain sight, it just takes action so give us a call today! Don’t let another day go by without realizing your teams’ and organization’s full potential.